
The 2018 ICPC Asia Qingdao Regional Contest

Basic Information

Contest Date2018/11/04
RanklistSUA Board | Web Archive
Online PracticeCodeforces Gym | QOJ
Contestants' Thoughtszhihu


{ "title": { "text": "Number of Accepted Teams Per Problem", "fontSize": 20 }, "data": { "values": [ {"id": "A", "ac": 0, "type": "Official"}, {"id": "A", "ac": 0, "type": "Unofficial"}, {"id": "B", "ac": 0, "type": "Official"}, {"id": "B", "ac": 2, "type": "Unofficial"}, {"id": "C", "ac": 333, "type": "Official"}, {"id": "C", "ac": 18, "type": "Unofficial"}, {"id": "D", "ac": 88, "type": "Official"}, {"id": "D", "ac": 11, "type": "Unofficial"}, {"id": "E", "ac": 109, "type": "Official"}, {"id": "E", "ac": 12, "type": "Unofficial"}, {"id": "F", "ac": 105, "type": "Official"}, {"id": "F", "ac": 9, "type": "Unofficial"}, {"id": "G", "ac": 5, "type": "Official"}, {"id": "G", "ac": 3, "type": "Unofficial"}, {"id": "H", "ac": 0, "type": "Official"}, {"id": "H", "ac": 0, "type": "Unofficial"}, {"id": "I", "ac": 2, "type": "Official"}, {"id": "I", "ac": 4, "type": "Unofficial"}, {"id": "J", "ac": 332, "type": "Official"}, {"id": "J", "ac": 18, "type": "Unofficial"}, {"id": "K", "ac": 7, "type": "Official"}, {"id": "K", "ac": 3, "type": "Unofficial"}, {"id": "L", "ac": 17, "type": "Official"}, {"id": "L", "ac": 6, "type": "Unofficial"}, {"id": "M", "ac": 353, "type": "Official"}, {"id": "M", "ac": 19, "type": "Unofficial"} ] }, "transform": [{ "calculate": "if(datum.type === 'off', 0, 1)", "as": "typeOrder" }], "layer": [ { "mark": {"type": "bar", "tooltip": true, "width": {"band": 0.5}}, "encoding": { "x": { "field": "id", "type": "nominal", "axis": {"labelAngle": 0, "labelFontSize": 14, "title": "Problem", "titleFontSize": 14}, "sort": "-y" }, "y": { "field": "ac", "aggregate": "sum", "type": "quantitative", "axis": {"labelAngle": 0, "labelFontSize": 14, "title": "# of Accepted Teams", "titleFontSize": 14} }, "tooltip": [ { "field": "type", "type": "nominal", "title": "Team Type" }, { "field": "ac", "aggregate": "sum", "type": "quantitative", "title": "# of Accepted Teams" } ], "color": { "field": "type", "type": "nominal", "scale": { "domain": ["Official", "Unofficial"], "range": ["#4c78a8", "#616166"] }, "legend": null }, "order": {"field": "typeOrder"} } }, { "mark": {"type": "text", "style": "label", "fontSize": 14, "dy": -10}, "encoding": { "x": { "field": "id", "type": "nominal", "sort": "-y" }, "y": { "field": "ac", "aggregate": "sum", "type": "quantitative" }, "text": { "field": "ac", "aggregate": "sum", "type": "quantitative" } } } ] }

{ "title": { "text": "Number of Accepted Problems Per Team", "fontSize": 20 }, "data": { "values": [ {"ac": 0, "cnt": 1, "type": "Official"}, {"ac": 0, "cnt": 0, "type": "Unofficial"}, {"ac": 1, "cnt": 9, "type": "Official"}, {"ac": 1, "cnt": 1, "type": "Unofficial"}, {"ac": 2, "cnt": 23, "type": "Official"}, {"ac": 2, "cnt": 0, "type": "Unofficial"}, {"ac": 3, "cnt": 146, "type": "Official"}, {"ac": 3, "cnt": 5, "type": "Unofficial"}, {"ac": 4, "cnt": 83, "type": "Official"}, {"ac": 4, "cnt": 2, "type": "Unofficial"}, {"ac": 5, "cnt": 50, "type": "Official"}, {"ac": 5, "cnt": 2, "type": "Unofficial"}, {"ac": 6, "cnt": 28, "type": "Official"}, {"ac": 6, "cnt": 4, "type": "Unofficial"}, {"ac": 7, "cnt": 7, "type": "Official"}, {"ac": 7, "cnt": 0, "type": "Unofficial"}, {"ac": 8, "cnt": 4, "type": "Official"}, {"ac": 8, "cnt": 2, "type": "Unofficial"}, {"ac": 9, "cnt": 3, "type": "Official"}, {"ac": 9, "cnt": 1, "type": "Unofficial"}, {"ac": 10, "cnt": 0, "type": "Official"}, {"ac": 10, "cnt": 0, "type": "Unofficial"}, {"ac": 11, "cnt": 0, "type": "Official"}, {"ac": 11, "cnt": 2, "type": "Unofficial"}, {"ac": 12, "cnt": 0, "type": "Official"}, {"ac": 12, "cnt": 0, "type": "Unofficial"}, {"ac": 13, "cnt": 0, "type": "Official"}, {"ac": 13, "cnt": 0, "type": "Unofficial"} ] }, "layer": [ { "mark": {"type": "bar", "tooltip": true, "width": {"band": 0.5}}, "encoding": { "x": { "field": "ac", "type": "nominal", "axis": {"labelAngle": 0, "labelFontSize": 14, "title": "# of Accepted Problems", "titleFontSize": 14} }, "y": { "field": "cnt", "aggregate": "sum", "type": "quantitative", "axis": {"labelAngle": 0, "labelFontSize": 14, "title": "# of Teams", "titleFontSize": 14} }, "tooltip": [ { "field": "type", "type": "nominal", "title": "Team Type" }, { "field": "cnt", "aggregate": "sum", "type": "quantitative", "title": "# of Teams" } ], "color": { "field": "type", "type": "nominal", "scale": { "domain": ["Official", "Unofficial"], "range": ["#4c78a8", "#616166"] }, "legend": null }, "order": {"field": "typeOrder"} } }, { "mark": {"type": "text", "style": "label", "fontSize": 14, "dy": -10}, "encoding": { "x": { "field": "ac", "type": "nominal" }, "y": { "field": "cnt", "aggregate": "sum", "type": "quantitative" }, "text": { "field": "cnt", "aggregate": "sum", "type": "quantitative" } } } ] }


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